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18 Candles, 18 Thoughts
Illustration by: Sabrina Carrizo Sztainbok I have officially reached level 18 years of this game called life, so here, dear reader, are...

Experience the Unexpected: Discussion of a Quote from A Room With a View
Illustration by: Angelica Libkind “Life…is a public performance on the violin, in which you must learn the instrument as you go along.” –...

Choosing to be Positive
Illustration by: Nydia Gomez Almost everyone has been asked at one point in their lives if they see the glass as half-full or half-empty....

How to Handle a “Bad” Haircut
Photos by: Annie LeMonnier A month ago, my hair was the longest it had been in nearly three years. After having wanted long hair since...

Life Lessons: An open letter
Photo by: Ellen Hansen We asked three different women from different backgrounds and ages to answer the question: 'What has been the most...

September Quick Tips: From an Incoming Senior
Art By: Bridget Wong Don’t. Freak. Out. Whether your worries are because of the unknown of freshman year or the mounting difficulty of...

Adapting to your surroundings
Photo by: Emma Tierney School’s back! But, for me, this time around is on a whole other level… college. Just when I thought I was getting...

Looking Back: A College Senior's Perspective
Artwork by Lorelei Sellers (Instagram:@bbybeemail) I like to compare college to a roller coaster. Freshmen year is when you get onto the...

August Quick Tip: 5 ways to get what you want
Sometimes a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. 1. Go for the Goal Have a clear idea of what it is that you are aiming for. Make sure...

How to Find Your Passion
Picture by Jorge Menjivar @dearjorge I feel like a lot of people walk around life not knowing what drives them, what motivates them. It...

Tales from the Time Machine
Art by Sheila Sarinas For the longest time, humans have retained a fascination with the past. Time travel is everywhere in popular...

2 Minute Motivation: GET UP OFF OF THAT THANG
Having the courage to fail is far from easy. Illustration By Margarida Eloy (Ahoy Illustrations) There is no time like Summer to start a...

Back to Basics: The importance of Self Love
No one can tell you how to love yourself, but yourself. Art by Grace M I open my laptop, looking at the half dim screen, my eyes seeming...

Why It's Cool to Vote Now
I never thought I would be saying this but the time has finally come. It is now officially “cool” to vote. Art by Oriane I remember when...

Romi's Rambles: The Upcoming
What scares me the most as the graduates leave the stage is that I think I’m ready to take their place. Art By Mimpmag Staff As I watch...
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