2 Minute Motivation: GET UP OFF OF THAT THANG
Having the courage to fail is far from easy.

Illustration By Margarida Eloy (Ahoy Illustrations)
There is no time like Summer to start a new adventure. To explore. To find yourself. It’s a break from the craziest part of the school year to look back on who you are and how you really want to live your life. Summer isn’t just about days in the sun and spending hours by the pool. It’s a chance to really grow and start working on the person you want to be. Don’t let this summer be just like any other summer.
Don’t let this moment slip away from you. It is almost too easy to misuse your newfound freedom; without a regular routine, schedules and deadlines to meet, you might find yourself “just chilling” too often. Try not to spend every day in your air-conditioned room, desperately waiting for a new show to debut on Netflix.
Go out and do something adventurous and crazy. Step outside of your comfort zone. Do something that you’ve always been too scared to try. Go out with a friend or with family or with your pet! Take advantage of your time now, because once school starts you’ll get swept back up into classes and routines and not enough time to sleep.
Failure is terrifying. Having the courage to fail is far from easy. It’s something I still struggle with, but I also know that it’s worth it. Being able to say “I tried” (even after you fail at something!) is honestly one of the best feelings. Go bungee jumping, go rock climbing, go tell that cute boy that you like him, go horseback riding or cliff jumping. Travel to Paris or Rome or even to your own backyard.
Why be stuck inside, drooling over Instagram when you can be out there sharing your feed with the world. Don’t compare your summer vacation to another person’s. Don’t let it stop you from doing what you want to do. Holding yourself back because someone, somewhere might judge you for it, will only set you back. Make this summer a summer of chances, of memories, of new moments captured and saved and shared no matter what others might be — and are most likely not — thinking about you.
When you do manage to do even one thing that you want to do or are too scared to try, If you manage to grow even in the tiniest of ways, share that with someone else. Share that feeling of power and strength with someone else. Share it by taking them with you on an adventure, by pushing them to be the best they can be, or just by sharing this article. Don’t keep this trapped inside yourself, take up space!
If you take anything from this, remember that the mistakes you make don’t define who you are. They are a part of you, but only you can choose to live by them of be free of them. So don’t let them stop you from being strong, bold and daring. Let this summer — that is rapidly coming to an end — wrap you in its embrace. Let it fill you up and make you better for it. Don’t let this summer go to waste. Get up off of that thang, seize freedom with all your might and stay motivated loves!