A Cycle is a succession through the dips, peaks, and valleys of the universe within and around us, knowing that we will return home once again.
Mimp. Issue 005 is a volume who has lived her own lifetime. She has traveled through countless stages of processes and completion, revision and realization, but she is here now, with you.
As you explore these carefully constructed pages, you are encouraged to dive deeper into yourself, to become fascinated by the shifting waves of your own disposition. What could happen if you approach life from a non-linear perspective, without a focus on a beginning or end?
How can you move through each phase of your life in an intentional way? Pause to listen to how each stage contains a gift, a learning, a chance to grow. Do you lean in to these patterns, memories, traditions, cycles or do you break them? Will you take them with you or will you leave them behind?
It is our hope that you discover bits of yourself tucked away in the pillows of words, that you see yourself shine through the visuals and you connect to the theme that binds it all together.
200 matte and glossy pages of glorious content and words bound together with a soft touc cover.
A timeless book for every coffee table and every mood.
No advertising revenue was generated for this fully independent book.
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